Parlsey is a very popular herb that you can get in flat-leaf or curly-leaf types. It grows well in pots as well as in beds. It likes full sun or just a bit of shade and isn't fond of getting "wet feet", so make sure the soil drains well. If you are growing from seed, this can be a challenge because seeds must be kept moist, so you'll probably have to water every day unless it is raining. Parsley does best in rich soil, so don't be afraid to use fertiliser and plenty of compost.
Rocket is a peppery salad leaf, delicious eaten raw (better than cooked, as it will disintegrate with heat). Rocket requires similar conditions to parsley, such as rich, well drained soils and water, and like parsley, it also grows well in pots. It is very easy to grow and likes warmth, but can bolt if you're not careful. To prevent it bolting, make sure the plants have a bit of space (10-15cm between each plant) and pick the leaves before they get big. You won't want to eat the leaves if they get too big - rocket can get quite tough and bitter just before it flowers.